Interim Management

Addressing Your Short-Term Executive Staffing Needs

Interim Management

  • CBC offers access to executives for critical Interim Management roles. When you need temporary executive leadership in operations, lean deployment, or supply chain, and you need it now, CBC can help.
  • Interim Management is a great solution for addressing short-term talent needs that arise as a result of acquisitions, unexpected vacancies, or the launching of critical special assignments. Through this service, our clients can gain access to pre-vetted leaders for short-term assignments.
A person is reaching out to another person

What Is Interim Management

Leveraging its vast network of seasoned operations, supply chain and lean transformation executives, CBC’s Interim Management service allows clients to access very specific types of functional leaders on an ad hoc basis.

With Interim Management solutions from CBC, you can “rent” pre-vetted executive talent for specific amounts of time (typically 1 month to 6 months). You pay only a daily rate and avoid paying employee taxes, benefits, and insurance.

Types of Interim Management executives CBC provides:

  • Organizational Leadership (C-Suite)
  • Plant Management/Operations Management
  • Lean and TPS Deployments
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Project Management
  • Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical and Controls Engineering
A group of people sitting at tables with laptops.